I am the owner of an elderly rescue dog who is now too scared to go out into the garden to do his business. The fireworks have been banging for more than two weeks and they are terrifying him. The other night I thought they were finished so I took my dog into the back garden at 7pm but while he was doing what he desperately needed to do a firework went off. He tried to run up the stone garden steps and collapsed in terror. When will it stop and do we really have to tolerate this every year?

Guy Fawkes is one day and the fireworks go on for more than two weeks. People are supposed to be short of money yet they spend unlimited amounts on objects which they set alight. It’s senseless.

There are organised parties on Guy Fawkes night which are more than adequate, safe and fun and, in my opinion and the opinion of many other animal owners, all other fireworks should be banned.

From a distressed dog owner

Via email