As the borough prepares for the elections on May 1, you may wonder if voting means as much to people here as it does to others around the world.

This week we reported on the Zimbabwean radio station based in Hertsmere that hopes people in its home country have voted out the present leader Robert Mugabe.Under his regime, the country is suffering from hyperinflation, mass unemployment and empty food shops. He has been president for 28 years and in past elections has been accused of rigging the outcome.This time, Zimbabweans turned out in their droves to exercise their freedom to vote - something people in Britain often take for granted.Voter apathy is a serious problem. It discourages first-time voters from participating, and gives non-voters little argument if they later disagree with the policies and actions of those who are elected.Every week we receive letters and phone calls complaining about a wide variety of problems in the borough.Often the first port of call for our reporters is the ward councillor concerned to find out more about the situation and how it can be solved. To vote for these people is to make them accountable for their actions and make them work for you.Hopefully this year's election in Hertsmere will mirror the fervour that has captured the public in Zimbabwe, because the outcome does matter - whether people realise it or not.