I have given birth to an owl.

He might look like a normal baby all ten fingers and ten toes, but he is definitely an owl.

I found this out a few nights ago when he started his nocturnal habit. All day he slept however much I tried to keep him awake. And I won't tell you some of the methods I used or you'll think badly of me. Then all night he wanted to eat and play. And such is the way it's continued since.

We try to establish a routine but perhaps an owl doesn't change its ways.

Every night he has a bath. All his night feeds are done in darkness with no noise. He sleeps upstairs at night. We don't change his nappy unless necessary. I get that it's night time, but as far as he's concerned it could just as well be 3pm. Although usually around then he's fast asleep and no amount of semi-naked trips outside (ok I told you I am awful aren't I) will even rouse him.

Perseverance is the key that's what people say. And that they have to be big enough to be able to take enough milk in the day to sustain them through the night. Which is ok because he's already gained over 2lb since he was born.

For now though I guess it's an endless stream of sleepless nights and daily battles to keep him awake. The joys of parenthood. The necessity of under-eye concealer...