Hello. I SAID HELLO! Munkitty Tunkitty here with some more thoughts on this year's "Big Brother".

Well, I've got one prediction wrong (I thought Bex would go and it was Mario) and I've otherwise been correct. What a clever little monkey I am! And I did say I thought the "Rigger" might get his way that week and I might be wrong... well, once again Bex is facing the vote. Once again "BB" would like you to keep her in because relationships are good for viewing figures and she and Luke are the new Ziggy and Chanelle. They're going to be on the fronts of every magazine from here to Timbuctoo... or something like that. That's the plan. And they're scared if she goes you'll all stop watching and they'll lose their advertising revenue.

But will you obey again? I'm not so sure you will. And if you do there's a split vote: Darnell or Mo. Darnell seems to be quite popular (well he certainly is with himself - he's said that his favourite HM is Darnell). His cartoon quality brings a certain delight to the watching of the show and complements the equally cartoony Kat.

That leaves Mo. Remember Vanessa in 2005? Or Ahmed in 2004? How did they last so long? Or for that matter Kara and my fool of a human friend Jonty in 2007? By staying under the radar. If nobody notices you're in there, why would anybody take the trouble to cross their living room, pick up the 'phone and arrange to have you thrown out the House? You only get into trouble when there's a positive vote: why would anybody bother to cross their living room, pick up the 'phone and arrange to keep you IN the House? Sure, Mo eats all the food and that must be a real pest if you're living with him but out here, we don't care: he's not eating OUR food, is he? No, play it safe, mate - good tactic.

OK you can't win but you can stay for a very long time. He's not going anywhere tonight. No, I think you're going to defy the "Rigger" and boot Bex out. (It's the second time I've predicted that - second time lucky, ay?) Oh, and by the way - PLEASE DON'T SWEAR.

Good luck, human fools, Munkitty Tunkitty