Big Brother is back in town, yippee?

Irrelevant of whether or not one likes the programs they produce there, Elstree studios continues to prove itself as an enormous success story and rightfully maintains its title as Hertsmere Borough Councils most valuable asset.

Historically the studios defined what this area was all about and in many ways it still does. Its name has long been synonymous with the film industry and for me just hearing the name Elstree Studios conjures up memories and images of great actors in some the most iconic films ever made.

Sadly for me, there are some people who make no secret of their desire to see Elstree Studios to be turned into yet another huge Borehamwood housing estate, believing that a council has no business being in the film business. I suspect they feel that the potential money that would be generated from any sale of Studio land and the resulting income from the extra household council tax is far more in keeping with what a council should be doing. I have to disagree with the apparent attitude and opinion that the studio is in some way an albatross hanging around our neck.

Luckily for us (and unfortunately for them), the well managed Studio business and their ongoing achievements (should) means that they won't be able to get their grubby little mits on it for the foreseeable future. Most of us already know that it provides this council with a substantial income and benefits this area with hundreds of jobs and millions of pounds going into our local economy.

I say we need to protect the Studios from those who just don’t ‘get’ what it means for this area, individuals who appear not to give a monkeys about its heritage, who give the impression they dislike the fact it is so successful and would not be unhappy to see it fail. This is our Studios, our asset, it is rich in history and is highly regarded throughout the world, it puts Elstree and Borehamwood firmly on the map and long may that continue.

So let us all say together, “Big Brother is back in Town, YIPPEEEE!!!”