Police say the number of calls about car meets in a supermarket car park has dropped "significantly".

Officers from the Borehamwood safer neighbourhood team say they have been able to tackle the issue at Morrisons by the A1 by patrolling the area more.

The issue was made a priority to resolve in November after locals complained about anti-social driving and meeting people up in their vehicles and revving their engines.

Sergeant Matthew Cann said: "As a result of reports from neighbours we made anti-social driving in the supermarket one of our neighbourhood priorities. As part of this we increased visibility patrols with officers, visiting the area around the problem times highlighted by residents.

"We have also been working with staff at Morrisons, asking them to report incidents and also ensure entrance and exit barriers to the car park are closed whenever the store and petrol station are closed.

"Before the priority was set, we received eight calls from August to October 2021 about the issue, whereas, since setting the priority we have received one call."

The latest policing priorities announced for Hertsmere show officers will continue to focus on stamping out this particular issue.

Sgt Cann added: "Although there has been a significant drop in calls to us about this issue and we have recently published our next set of priorities for Hertsmere, we are aware that there is more work to be done so will be continuing our patrols of the area and working with supermarket staff.

"I would also ask that residents continue to report to us any anti-social driving taking place in and around the supermarket so that we can respond."

Related: Policing priorities announced for Hertsmere for next three months