Borehamwood Times - Memorials

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Death Notice

Theresa Cahill

Published on 30/03/2018

CAHILL, Theresa Sadly died suddenly at home. A much loved sister and friend RIP. Requiem Mass 12.30pm, 9th April 2018, SS John Fisher & Thomas More, followed by burial in Alum Lane. All are welcome and afterwards at the Wagon & Horses. Family flowers only. Donations if wished to the British Heart Foundation.


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Brad_Taylor April 10th, 2018
I had the privilege of knowing Theresa for just over 30 years, after having met her at work. It was at work where I briefly met Theresa's sister too, Bernadette. Theresa, it was an absolute pleasure working, and on occasions, socialising with you. I can honesty say that you were one in a million. God bless you dear friend, and thank you xxxxx

Bernadette and family, I just wanted to say thank you for making us all feel so welcome at the service and giving us the opportunity to bid farewell to Theresa. Thank you xx