I read in the Borehamwood & Elstree Times that market traders are no longer allowed to leave their vans behind their stalls. This explains why the market has suddenly shrunk.

Who on earth had this idea? Who on earth thinks that the market traders can cope with not having their vans? Are they going to drop their goods, leave them possibly unattended while they go and park half-a-mile away? Will they not have the warmth and provisions that their vans and cars provide them with? This measure highly inconveniences people who are only doing their job and earning a living.

And all this for the sake of what? Aesthetics?

Who in Borehamwood could possibly object to seeing the traders’ vans behind their stalls? I do not believe there have been any complaints about this.

I would like to see a thriving market in Borehamwood, vans and all. And I am sure this is the opinion of the majority of residents.

So, please, allow the traders to have their tools, i.e. vans, available for their work.

Roselyne Connaughton

Bullhead Road, Borehamwood