I am sorry to learn people are so outraged by Network Rail’s work to so effectively clear their railway lines around Elstree and Borehamwood station.

When thousands of commuters and businesses rely on a railway service that needs to be efficient and above all reliable, is it wrong that railways should take firm action to prevent delays and costly clean-ups?

Trees are beautiful and add to our lives, but need to be in the right place which is not over or near railway lines.

The bleak landscape shown beside the tracks will soon have grasses and wild flowers in the space where trees used to be and effectively become meadow.

This will act as a corridor for wildlife supporting butterflies, bees, moths and birds.

Clearing the trees so intensely is a shock but not a crime.

Network Rail is right to seek to maintain its lines at a low cost and for a long-term effect.

Jared Leavitt

Address supplied