The Borehamwood Times has asked each parliamentary candidate to list five reasons why they should become an MP at the General Election on May 7.

Here, UKIP candidate Frank Ward outlines why you should vote for him.

I have lived in Borehamwood with my family for nearly forty years.

I am a retired chartered builder and chartered manager and a former Labour councillor of 25 years and a proponent of social justice.

I am now currently chairman of Hertsmere UKIP.

One of the pressing issues which I am aware is now facing the residents of Hertsmere is the unrestricted arrival in their community of foreign nationals.

Residents have found themselves competing for homes, school places, medical and welfare services and even jobs as they witness the expanding black market employment of migrants, especially in shops and the construction industry.

We require to control the number of foreign nationals who arrive in our country, adopt the Australian points system and repatriate the legal enforcement of our laws or alternatively leave the EU.

UKIP policy on immigration is not to prevent or discriminate but to control. Foreign nationals must not be permitted to enter or reside in the UK unless they speak English, have a skill we require are physically able to accept employment and deemed to be an asset to our country and not an economic liability.

Our membership of the EU costs us £55m a day with another £23m of borrowed money being spent unaccountably on foreign aid while services and benefits are being cut at home .

UKIP believe this money is needed to re-build our debt ridden economy, the legacy of the Labour Government.

We require to introduce binding planning referendums for local residents in major decisions which impact on the community.

We require to oppose the bedroom tax, but provide incentives to reuse empty homes.

Government funding requires to be made available as a priority to mend potholes on our highways.

We require real Police Officers to be visually available within our community and adopt a zero tolerance to anti-social behaviour.

Only a UKIP MP may be trusted to deliver these policies.

1) I believe of all the candidates now contesting the Westminster seat of Hertsmere, I am the only one with a proven track record in serving this community.

The Labour candidate has done little or nothing of any merit in service to the community other than attending meetings since he became an elected member of Hertsmere Borough Council, for which he gets paid in excess of £6,000 each year.

The Conservative candidate does not live in the community and has done nothing of which we are aware in public service to distinguish himself as a 'buggins turn next' replacement for the incumbent James Clappison.

2) During the period of nearly 25 years as a Labour elected member of Hertsmere Borough Council I never refused to assist those who came to me for help no matter where they resided within Hertsmere and even when they told me they would never vote for the Party I represented at that time.

3) When a family were being removed from their home by Hertsmere Borough Council, I prepared a defence, arranged for this to be 'legal aid' funded for submission to the the High Court and the case was won.

I prepared another similar case of injustice funded by 'legal aid' in preparation for the High Court only for Hertsmere Borough Council to concede defeat and rehouse the family.

4) I took Hertsmere Borough Council to the Magistrates Court and forced them to remove amosite (brown ) asbestos from Council homes following their refusal.

5) When the families of Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Jews and Hindus requested my intervention to oppose Labour controlled Hertfordshire County Council’s withdrawal of funding for transport to faith based schools, I responded by establishing a campaign which was won in 1990 but a similar campaign in 2006 was lost.

I will go where others fear to tread.